If plaster on metal is necessary, it is necessary to consider features of metal material and plaster which it is not so simple to ensure collaboration. Data on how to execute plastering of metal designs, are usually separated therefore it is worth studying the principles and ways of performance of work.
Metal plastering
Sometimes at structures of buildings there are metal elements, for example, the columns, beams bearing elements of ladders, and sometimes all-metal pools for which protection and also apply plastering to upclassing of appearance.
However the metal bases differing in smoothness it is not so simple to plaster them. Material easily extends and compresses at temperature change, than differs from plaster "armor" therefore it is necessary to take measures for coordination of movements of the metal basis and plaster clothes.
For ensuring coupling of a plaster layer with metal use the metal gauze. Reinforcing is necessary also in places of interface of metal elements to walls from concrete, a brick or other material.
As metal surfaces features, technology of plastering have them has differences, since a preparatory stage. The design is usually not supplied with "hooks" which plaster could "grasp" strongly.
Hire, even just left factory gate, is covered with spots of lubricant and other materials which interfere with adhesion. Old products can be covered with a soot, rust and other substances. Besides, a hardware is required to be protected from water ingress.
Everything listed should level, eliminate or be not to allowed. Therefore thorough training of designs is obligatory. It is required to ensure collaboration of a plaster layer and metal basis by reinforcing. Places of joints became and designs from other materials too surely reinforce.
As for types of plaster, plaster unambiguously will not approach. The plaster covering maintains only small periodic mechanical loadings. It is capable to absorb water. And, therefore, to create on a surface of the basis which does not transfer it further a wet layer. As a result plaster easily collapses. For alignment suitable consider limy and cement and cement structures.
Preparation of metal for plaster
Before cleaning of a surface is carried out. Purify metal with two purposes – to provide adhesions, to remove the substances capable to form on a plaster covering of a spot.
Apply two ways to cleaning:
- mechanical;
- chemical.
After cleaning the metal surface is grounded for the purpose of increase in adhesion and also protection against corrosion. Not only water is dangerous to the rusting steel. A chemical threat to a condition of ferrous metal is posed by the active agents which are contained in plaster solution.
Do not apply to increase in adhesion of metal betonokontakt. Plasterers GF choosing for priming of means with anticorrosive additives, for example, do right thing.
Mechanical cleaning of a surface
For manual mechanical cleaning in house conditions use steel brushes. It is also possible to use the grinder with abrasive or brush disks if the surface of the big square.
On production and a building site of a surface clean sanding or mechanically, using the abrasive equipment. After processing delete the formed dust.
Degreasing of a surface of metal
Degreasing is included into a cleaning complex:
- The steel which did not visit business yet is degreased, using white spirit, gasoline or special removers. That further there was no corrosion, the surface is protected primers.
- Oil traces delete with also alkaline solutions which contain surfactant to 10%. Will approach caustic rubbed (solution of 10%), 0.5% of OP-7, the usual, applied in life powder (on 1 l of solution take 10 g).
- Get rid of a soot, washing metal with solution of hydrochloric acid (3%) then acid is deleted with clear water.
- If the layer of rust is not thicker than 100 microns, the oxidized metal is deleted with the rust modifier.
What grid to choose for plaster on metal
Feature of metal surfaces in small roughness. Therefore plaster on metal demands reinforcing. Existence of the grid connected to the basis in a plaster layer not only "ties" a covering to a design. Reinforcing increases durability of thickness of a plaster attire, ability to maintain, without collapsing, big internal tension and also to resist external loadings.
Usually use not only the plaster metal gauze. In some cases the masonry grid (a cell of 50 mm) is useful. For example, if it is required to plaster metal walls of the pool with the subsequent tiled facing, then reinforcing by two types of a grid will be reliable.
Sequence is as follows:
- The metal bowl is degreased.
- Weld on a surface tocheno a masonry grid.
- Surface ground undiluted Vetonit Dispersion to which add career sand (clean!).
- Put obryzg.
- Carry out reinforcing by a plaster grid (the size of a cell of 10 mm x 10), fixing it on masonry.
- Already on a plaster grid put a layer of earth (add 10% of Despirsion to solution).
- The first week look after a plaster layer, maintaining humidity of a surface and the correct mode of natural curing of solution.
- The pool is filled with water, maintaining couple of days under loading. After discharge of water and dehumidification carry out facing.
It is possible to reinforce beams also collars, fixing cores in various ways (up to drilling of openings). However apply spot welding to fastening more often.
Distance between places of a prikhvatyvaniye – 25-20 cm. If the metal element is located level with with a wall, then a grid, imposing over a hardware, get on 15 cm on adjacent sites of a wall where fix on self-tapping screws or nails (vnatyag).
Way 1 Plaster on a grid
The technology is similar to plastering of walls from other materials, that is the covering is created drawing layers of the solution having different structure:
- Obryzg. Mix is done to thinnish consistence with addition (for increase in durability of the reinforced layer and the best coupling with a grid) fibrous components – tow, fibers of asbestos, felt. Additives enter only into solution for an obryzg.
- Soil – the main namyot from mix of normal viscosity.
- Nakryvka (a mix layer without sand or with sand of thin fraction) – not an obligatory stage if decorative plastering is planned.
The way 2 Plaster on hard putty and a grid
Plaster on metal can be made on the basis of "rasp" of automobile hard putty. This way is more expensive, but also yields good results.
- After cleaning of metal apply a hard putty layer on a surface. Form by the pallet an uneven furrowed surface.
- On the surface created in such a way, after its drying put a layer of tiled glue.
- Often the surface is in addition strengthened, fixing a grid by analogy with the first way.
- Over a glue layer it is possible to plaster metal (even plaster structures).
Way 3 Dry plaster with use of HL
There is an option of closing of a metal beam or a ladder design with sheets of dry plaster – kgl. For this purpose after metal working do a framework of standard profiles or inserts from wooden bars which fix to a ceiling or walls. To the mounted framework on self-tapping screws mount the cut sheets of gypsum cardboard.
The subsequent plastering of problems, usually, does not deliver. It is a way it is safest for the beginning masters. Probability to make mistakes tends to zero.
How to get rid of rust on plaster
Rusty spots it is difficult to remove the plasters appearing as a result of soaking (as a result of leakages).
There are several ways:
- decolouration of dyes peroxide of hydrogen or hypochlorite of sodium (the last is not applied to plaster plaster);
- processing by orthophosphoric acid (solution) transfers rust to insoluble connections;
- spots block hydrophobic filling which passes steam and air, but does not pass water in liquid state;
- at a finishing stage use a spot insulyator (pyatnoizoliruyushchy primers);
- it is possible to use for coloring special water emulsion priming structures with a basis from acrylic with the modifier – vozdushno the cured epoxy resin. Such primers create the membrane which is passing steam and air, but interfere with capillary infiltration. Primer has good adhesion with the painting structures on in / d to a basis.
Plaster on metal is not so complex as it could be assumed. The main thing – to ensure coupling, the coordinated work of a covering and basis, to protect finishing finishing from a rust prostupaniye. Then the plaster covering will not bukhtet, disappear pieces and to become covered by rusty spots.